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Steven Miller - Villa Grove High School Athlete

Steven Miller

A little bit about Steven...
29-Year-Old Grad.     5'9"    140 lbs.

About Steven Miller

Steven is a 29-Year-Old Grad. at Villa Grove High School in Villa Grove, Illinois. He is a multi-sport athlete who participates in Football and Track & Field.

I would say i am a very confident person. i feed off of people who are better then me. It pushes me harder to do better. I do not think most people like losing and some people beat themselves up for it. I believe to use it to get better and push yourself to train harder and practice at what you do to get better. I love running and jumping. My main event is long jump. At the Eastern Illinois University indoor meet, there where a lot of schools, i saw i had to work hard. I tried the best i could, made 22 out of 45 on long jump. I did not like my spot but i knew that these people have been training and that they are juniors and seniors and that i have two more years to get up there. Its not about getting first, it is about your team how many points you have to win. Never say you can not do something. i believe you can do anything if you practice for your goal as much as you can. DO NOT BEAT YOURSELF UP FOR LOSING.

Physical Attributes

Steven's Physique

Weight:140 lbs.
Dominant Arm:Left
Dominant Leg:Left

Steven's Speed and Strength

Bench Press:200 lbs.
Squat:325 lbs.

College Information

Steven's Colleges of Interest

1.)  Eastern Illinois University
2.)  University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
3.)  Ohio State University-Main Campus

Steven's Majors of Interest

1.)  Education
2.)  Health Professions and Related Clinical Services