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Vincent Green - Frank H Peterson Academies Athlete

Vincent Green

Frank H Peterson Academies
jacksonville, Florida

Single Sport High School Athlete
A little bit about Vincent...
28-Year-Old Grad.     6'0"    140 lbs.

About Vincent Green

Vincent is a 28-Year-Old Grad. at Frank H Peterson Academies in Jacksonville, Florida. He currently focuses on one sport, Basketball.

My goals include graduating at the top of my class, earning athletic & academic scholarships for college, continuing my athletic career while being a productive citizen. I am a very good student and dedicated athlete. I work out in some way every day playing football, basketball. Had the highest reading score in foster middle school history. Won tulsa 2009 culinary arts champions championship 1st place. I am a respected young man in my neighborhood, to my teachers, peers and coaches. Love to be coached. I have a very high basketball IQ. I think good possibility that I will go D-1 maybe even to a major college division. 2011 was asked to play for 365 sports usa team to play over seas in the summer. Also was invited to the ORU,TU, also Bishop Kelly college scouting camp. Any other questions just ask please's EMAIL [email protected]

Physical Attributes

Vincent's Physique

Weight:140 lbs.
Dominant Arm:Both
Dominant Leg:Both

Vincent's Speed and Strength

Bench Press:135 lbs.
Mile Time:6.37
40-Yard Dash Time:4.7 seconds

College Information

Vincent's Majors of Interest

1.)  Other
2.)  Parks, Recreation, Leisure and Fitness Studies
3.)  Personal and Culinary Services