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Annie Thomas - Southwestern High School Athlete

Annie Thomas

Southwestern High School
Edinburgh, Indiana

Single Sport High School Athlete
A little bit about Annie...
29-Year-Old Grad.     5'3"    120 lbs.

About Annie Thomas

Annie is a 29-Year-Old Grad. at Southwestern High School in Shelbyville, Indiana. She currently focuses on one sport, Basketball.

Physical Attributes

Annie's Physique

Weight:120 lbs.
Dominant Arm:Right
Dominant Leg:Right

Annie's Speed and Strength

Bench Press:80 lbs.
Squat:120 lbs.
Mile Time:6min14sec

College Information

Annie's Colleges of Interest

1.)  Ball State University
2.)  Butler University
3.)  Indiana University-Bloomington

Annie's Majors of Interest

1.)  Communication, Journalism and Related Programs
2.)  Health Professions and Related Clinical Services
3.)  Liberal Arts, General Studies, and Humanities